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Redemption - A View of the Bible from 30000ft

Series: A View of the Bible from 30000ft

There is one carpenter who not only built and probably remodeled homes in his day, but He also and more importantly is working to restore this entire world. In order to get to this carpenter and understand His restoration project, we have taken a long journey from the East of Eden. A journey that has led us to the climax of God’s restoration project.

The climax, the center of the biblical story is the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus is the center because He is the promised seed from Genesis 3:15 and from the line of Abraham. He is the king who will sit on David’s throne forever and ever. He is one who deals a death blow to Satan and ultimately restores our relationship with the Father and eventually this entire world. Jesus is the ultimate carpenter of the ultimate restoration project, which is why the biblical narrative centers on Jesus. Jesus, and the redemption he provides, is the only hope for mankind since he alone frees us from the curse.

How does Jesus restore everything? How does He restore our relationship with the Father? How does He eventually restore this entire world? How does this lowly and humble carpenter deal a death blow to Satan?

Jesus Christ provides redemption from the curse through his perfect life, substitutionary death on the cross and resurrection from the dead. Jesus is the only hope for mankind since he alone provides redemption and a promised future resurrection to a perfect life in His perfect kingdom for those who believe in Him as Lord and Savior. 

Speaker: Dr. Casey Lewis

July 19, 2020

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