Ages 1 - 12
Absolutely! Church membership is vitally important to the life of every believer and to accomplishing Jesus’ mission to make disciples.
The church is a family. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, God expects you to be a member of a church family. A believer without a church family is an orphan.
Part of who you are:
God’s provision for you:
Part of His protection:
A place for ministry:
When you join a church, you are entering into a covenant with the church. You are making a commitment to love and serve the church body. Belonging is not just about you. It’s about the body of people you belong to and how you will mutually support them, and they will support you.
In covenanting with its members, you agree to serve, minister to, and care for other members. In addition, you allow the church to care for you both physically and spiritually. In covenanting with the leadership, you allow godly leaders to care for you by looking after both your physical and spiritual needs. The scriptural picture is shepherds (leaders) caring for a flock.
Those desiring to become a member of Eastridge Baptist Church may present themselves in any of the following ways:
All candidates are to be presented to the church at a public worship service where their intent to join the church will be recognized and welcomed. Their names then will be presented to the church at a subsequent church conference1for a formal vote of the body.
Should a member of the church raise a question concerning the candidate’s desire for membership, the issue will be referred privately to the leadership for consideration and review. The leaderships’ recommendation will be brought before the church at a subsequent church conference.
A three-fourths vote of the church members present at the church conference is required for membership in the church.
1Church conference: The church will be considered to meet in “conference” in any meeting that has been publicly announced for such purpose. Further, the church may be “called into conference” at any regularly scheduled meeting in which a “quorum”2 of members is present.
2Quorum: Ideally, a majority of the membership will be present at regularly scheduled meetings or at a “called church conference.” However, if a majority is not present, the leadership present may declare a “quorum” if a representative portion of the church body is present.
It is our expectation that you would contribute to the mission and vision of the church in several ways.
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