How should we love one another?
Series: Captivated by Jesus

Love. It is a word that get’s thrown around. We love all kinds of stuff. We love PB&J sandwiches. Trips to the shooting range, or golf course. We love the Netflix show we are currently binge watching. We love the new pair of shoes that was just delivered to our house. We love our technology — our computers, phones, tablets.
We love the books on our physical or digital shelves, even though the physical is much better than the digital. We love our homes, our neighborhoods, our cars.
Love. It is a word that gets thrown around. It is no wonder we don’t understand what it means to love another person. Loving someone like you might love your sandwich, shoes, or Netflix show must not be the case. But I’m afraid that those things are often lumped together. I don’t know about you, but that is not the type of love I desire. I don’t want my wife to love me just as much as she loves her new shoes. I want her to love me in a distinctly different way.
But the problem is that many people don’t know how to love. Especially if we are looking to culture to define love for us. Not only are we effected by culture, but we are selfish, sinful people who apart from Christ are controlled by Satan. So how? How are we to love?
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